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简讯:二十四节气 | 小满:兼具农耕特征与人生哲理的智慧节气

来源:北京海外文化交流    时间:2023-06-01 19:33:53


小满是二十四节气中夏季的第二个节气,在太阳达黄经60度, 每年公历5月20—22日交节。

Sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn has been long-standing axiom for agriculturalactivities. Usually, autumn is considered the season of harvest. However, there is a solar term also indicates the ripeness and harvest of crops—theGrainBuds. In one of his poems, Ouyang Xiu, a renowned scholar in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), wrote that “innocent children plays in joy when the wheat bears ears and silkworms feed infull when mulberry trees are lush.”This vividly depicts the scene of the wheat incubating ears and silkworms feeding on mulberry leaves around theGrainBuds.


TheGrainBudsis the second solar term in summer. It arrives when the sun reaches 15 degrees in the ecliptic longitudeand usually fells on May 20 to 22 each year.

小 满 之 名

Origins of the Grain Buds


Photo from Xinhuanet.com


The Grain Buds conveys different connotations in southern and northern China. In the south, it refers to a climatic condition, namely sufficient rainfalls. According to Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters, “Man”(Fullness) means overflowing. During the Grain Buds, the warm and humid airflow from south meets the cold airflow from north above southern China, forming extensive and heavy rainfalls. Therefore, a folk saying goes that “all rivers are full with the arrival of the Grain Buds”. If the rainfall is insufficient around the Grain Buds, the fields will dry up, thus affecting the growth of crops.


Photo from Xinhuanet.com


In northern China, the Grain Buds refers to the growth of crops. Around the Grain Buds, the rainy season hasn’t arrived yet in the north region. Despite the little rainfall, the temperature rises up quickly. The sunshine hours are the longest in the year. Farmers in northern China mainly grow the wheat as the grain crop. When the Grain Buds arrives, the seeds of summer crops such as the wheat become plump, but haven’t been completely ripe yet. Therefore, the Grain Buds refers to the plumpness degree of wheat seeds at the time.


Folk Customs Related to the Grain Buds


The 24 Solar Terms were a fruit of agricultural civilization of ancient China, which not only serve as the seasonal guidelines for guiding agricultural production, but also contain rich folk cultures.

吃 苦 菜

Eating Sowthistle



Eating Sowthistle

Photo from Weibo@中国国家地理


Ancient Chinese summed up “threephenological phenomena”for the Grain Buds: The sowthistle thrives, the shepherdspurse herbwithers, and the wheat is becoming ripe. That means during the Grain Buds, the sowthistle becomes lush and is suitable for eating, some sciophilousherbs wither as the sunshine becomes strong, and the wheat in northern China bears plump ears and will be ready to harvest soon. Such seasonal activities have been practiced across thousands of years, forming the folk custom that almost every household gathered and ate sowthistles on the day of the Grain Buds.

祭 三 神

WorshipingThree Deities



A waterwheel for irrigation

Photo from Xinhuanet.com



Silkworm cocoons

Photo from Xinhuanet.com


There is also a folk custom of worshiping the “three deities”. Ancient Chinese believed that everything has a spirit. The “three deities”refer to the waterwheel god, the oil mill god, and the silk spinning wheel god. An old saying goes that “three wheels roll with the arrival of the Grain Buds”. Oilseed rapes become ripe during the Grain Buds. In the past, harvested oilseeds were delivered to oil mills, where they were pressed to produce edible oil. Around the Grain Buds, silkworms begin cocooning, and silkworm keepers began to reel silk with spinning wheels. Later, the Grain Buds Fair was formed, at which people staged folk performances such as songs and dances.


Grain Buds: The Best State of Life



Tourists take photos of lotus flowers in Chishan Lake.

Photo from Xinhuanet.com



Of the 24 Solar Terms, some correspondto each other, for example, the Minor Cold vs. the Major Cold and the Minor Heat vs. the Major Heat. However, there isn’t a solar term named the Greater Fullness. In fact, the Grain Buds reflects the life philosophy of Chinese people: pursuing no fullness but rightness.

The Grain Buds is a state close to fullness. An old saying said, “a virtuous man would rather be insufficient than be overfull.”According to The Book of Changes, “the sun will incline westwards after it reaches the noon, and the moon will eclipseafter it becomes full; The heaven and the earth evolveall the way alongside the time”. Besides, a folk saying goes that “when the water is full, it overflows;when the material is full, it is poured”. Just as the saying goes, “pride leads to loss while modesty brings benefit.”Things will turn bad after they reach the maximum limits. Therefore, ancient Chinese added the word “lesser”in front of “fullness”, which indicated their life wisdom.


1. 新华网:《小满小满 江河易满》

2. 中国青年报:《节气里的韵味 人生最好是“小满”》

3. 中华网:《小满至,这一天的习俗你了解多少》

4. 北京日报:《小满:麦穗初齐稚子娇,桑叶正肥蚕食饱》


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